subtle lip fillers
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Lip fillers are often associated with overdone and unnatural results, which can make the idea of getting them intimidating.

But these injections are meant to enhance your natural beauty with subtle volume and shape, giving you fuller yet natural-looking lips and a boost of confidence.

To achieve beautiful and authentic results, it’s important to have a thorough discussion with your professional provider.

At MD/Cosmetic, we prioritize your comfort and strive to offer a great experience. Our doctors are handpicked by Dr. Alibhai, who has over 24 years of experience in training. We ensure a natural look with subtle lip fillers to avoid looking overfilled.

In this post, you will learn the important questions to ask your doctor or nurse practitioner during your consultation. This will help you know what to expect, make informed decisions, and understand how this procedure can benefit you.

Let’s dive in!


Will I get subtle lip fillers?

subtle lip fillers results
Subtle Lip Fillers: Before & After


To get subtle results with lip fillers, you need highly skilled professionals who approach it as an art. Here at MD/Cosmetic, we carefully study your face to determine what will work best for you.

The amount of filler used will determine whether you achieve a more subtle or fuller result. Our injector will recommend the appropriate amount that will suit your face and create a balanced look.


How much do lip fillers cost?

The cost of lip fillers will depend on the number of syringes you require.

During your initial consultation, we will provide you with clear information on costs, so you can make an informed decision that suits your goals and budget.


How long do lip fillers last?

Typically, lip fillers last for around six months to a year, although this may vary depending on your body and lifestyle.



READ MORE: Common Misconceptions About Fillers 

READ MORE: How Neuromodulators and Fillers Work Together 



Do lip fillers hurt?

The level of discomfort varies from person to person and can range from minimal discomfort to mild pain during the procedure. This is influenced by individual pain tolerance and the technique used by the injector.

We offer icepacks, as well as a custom compounded topical numbing.


Can I get lip filler while pregnant?

No, it isn’t recommended to undergo elective cosmetic procedures during pregnancy, according to Health Canada.

Although hyaluronic acid fillers are generally considered safe for skin injection, lip filler treatment should be avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding. One of the reasons is that fillers often contain lignocaine, an anesthetic that can cause allergic reactions in some individuals. Additionally, there is a theoretical risk of hypersensitivity or infection.


Additional tips

Consider these other questions during a consultation:

  • What payment plan or insurance coverage is available.
  • The practitioner’s experience and qualifications.
  • Possible risks and side effects.


Are you interested in lip fillers?

Before getting lip fillers, ask appropriate questions to determine if you’re a suitable candidate and to understand the potential benefits and risks before proceeding with the procedure.

By scheduling a personalized consultation with our skilled professionals, you will gain the assurance you need to achieve results that enhance your facial features.

Don’t hesitate to take the first step towards your desired look. Book your consultation today.